Monday, July 2, 2018

I have to write down the name of one of my favourite authors.
Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie.
After one of her books, I always have to pause for a while before getting into something else.
That's how fantastic I find her language. Her debut novel, Purple Hibiscus,
was published when she was 26. That just floored me to find out after reading it.

Purple Hibiscus and also her book The thing around your neck,
a collection of twelve stories, I highly recommend, alongside
Half of a Yellow Sun that I recently finished.
The last one I've folded so many corners of, as a map to find
my way back to exceptional sentences, that it's now all swollen.
This stack is laying there waiting now, and I'll see what there'll be time for this summer.
A few flights for shoots are nearing, and I'm longing.
A few hours of intentionally extended waiting time between security checks and boarding,
and you'll find me alone in an airport bar, deeply immersed in a book & a glass of wine.
I decided to start with Patti Smith's M Train.
Is there a book you think should be added to my summer stack of titles..?

p.s i've received a few emails and instagram messages about problems
with commenting here in the journal. i'm working on that. please try though,
cause oh how much lovelier it is with dialogue than a monologue.


Jen S. said...

Oh, I miss reading. I have had the hardest time really getting into that complete loss of self since becoming someone's mama...right now I settle for beautifully illustrated books I can read to him, but I'm adding your references to my list for the a long afternoon.

hannah lemholt said...

oh, do i know what you mean, jen..!
i missed {and still miss it} so much..

i "just" decided a while back to at least try to
do less of worrying about the laundry / the dishes
/ the dust bunnies & / or scrolling instagram aimlessly
and therein forget time a bit - & instead replace that
with sinking down in the bed with a book and into that
just as you describe it {!} - complete loss of self..
it's SO valuable when you're a reader..

there's definitely not the hours on end, like before;
getting lost without ever even thinking about it..
but shall we say we try to prioritise a bit differently
where we can, - & give that loss of self som love..? : )

and any book tips, send them my way..! : )
